The new SICOT India National Committee was installed largely by consensus, in September 2011 when Prof. Prabodh Desai worked out a consensus with over a dozen active SICOT members in the fray. Dr. Ashok Johari was nominated the National Delegate, and Dr. Mandeep Dhillon and Dr. Anil Jain were nominated to the National Committee. .
National Delegate: Dr Ashok Johari
National Committee Members: Dr Anil Jain, Dr Mandeep Dhillon
Regional Chairpersons:
South Zone: Prof GC Basvaraj
North Zone: Dr Rahul Katta
West Zone: Dr Satish Goyal
East Zone: Dr Ashok Dass
Central Zone: Dr Jamal Ashraf
Young Surgeons Forum
Coordinator: Dr Vaibhav Bagaria
South Zone: Dr Ashok Gavaskar
North Zone: Dr Vishal Kumar
West Zone: Dr Vaibhav Bagaria
East Zone: Dr Sughran Banerjee
Central Zone: Dr Nishant Singh
Newsletter committee
Coordinator: Dr Hitesh Gopalan
Dr Vikas Bacchal
Dr Rishabh Sethi
Dr Budharaju Verma
Who’s Who of
Organising President
Dr. Ashok Johari
Core Organising Committee
Dr. Mandeep Dhillon
Dr. Anil Jain
Dr. Hitesh Gopalan
Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria
Promotions Committee
Dr. Hitesh Gopalan (coordinator)
Dr. Sanjeev Jain
Dr. Ashok Shyam
Dr. K.S. Maheshwari (coordinator)
Dr. Ram Prabhoo
Venue & Hall Management
Dr. Vijay Shetty (coordinator)
Prof. G.C. Basavaraj
Dr. Satish Goyal
Social Program & Sports
Dr. Jamal Ashraf (coordinator)
Dr. Ashok Das
Dr. Rahul Katta
Local Organising Committee
Dr. Raghavdatta Mulukutla
Dr. K.L. Narasimha Rao
Dr. A.V. Gurava Reddy
Dr. K.J. Reddy
Dr. K. Subramanyam
Young India
Dr. Vaibhav Bagaria (coordinator)
Dr. Saurabh Agarwal
Dr. Sughran Banerjee
Dr. Anoop Dokania
Dr. Ashok Gavaskar
Dr. Sumit Gupta
Dr. Harshavardhana
Dr. Ratna Johari
Dr. Sarang Kasture
Dr. Shalin Maheshwari
Dr. Amit Nemade
Dr. Nishant Singh
Dr. Budharaju Varma
Ladies Program
Dr. Usha Johari
Mrs. Priti Maheshwari
Mrs. Narasimha Rao